The fourth annual Day of Service will be held virtually this year.

On this day in 1999, 12 students and one teacher were murdered at Columbine High School in Jefferson County. Twenty-one people were injured in the shooting. And for the last four years, Colorado has observed a Day of Service on April 20 in honor of the 13 lives lost at Columbine, as declared by Gov. Jared Polis.

However, given the stay-at-home orders still in effect across the state, this year's Day of Service will look different.

"Whether you are a student at Columbine, an alumni of the school, or simply seeking to make a positive impact, we challenge you to make a commitment: a commitment to kindness, a commitment to community, a commitment to gratitude, a commitment to serving others," states the Columbine High School website.

You can visit Columbine Serves for resources and suggestions to host virtual service projects. Share your service project on social media by tagging @chsrebels on Instagram, or send a picture via direct message.

Last year, the Day of Service created 57 projects in 17 states and 10 countries, with 1,527 total participants!

In remembrance of:

Cassie Bernall, 17
Steven Curnow, 14
Corey DePooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Velasquez, 16
Dave Sanders, 47