Colorado is home to some haunting history, but how many of those urban legends and myths are just that—legends and myths? Do you actually believe in any of them? Is there any truth behind the tales?

Well, let's take a look at your favorite urban legends and myths about Colorado, and you can decide for yourself. These are the most interesting and downright terrifying urban legends and myths surrounding our great state.

Riverdale Road

We're just gonna dive right in and start with one of the more sinister, spooky urban legends on this list. The 11-mile stretch of Riverdale Road in Thornton has countless stories revolving around the supernatural and paranormal—like demons, a ghost lady, the jogger of Jogger's Hill, Native American burial ground curses, witch hangings, a phantom Camaro, and more notably, it's said to be the site of the Gates of Hell. So definitely not a place for the faint-hearted or easily scared, like me. But, if you're among the very slim few who are brave enough to journey along the stretch of road, up to the crumbling ruins of a great mansion, and into the Gates of Hell, well, more power to you.

Jogger's Hill

Legends say that a jogger was struck by a car while running along the dirt road. Any normal person would get out and check on the jogger, but there wouldn't be a legend if that'd been the case. The jogger's ghost now haunts the road, seeking revenge on anyone who dares to get in the way. If you're interested in seeing this jogger for yourself, here's what you've got to do: park your car at the top of the hill, turn off the engine, and wait. You should hear the sounds of footsteps behind you, slowly getting closer and closer with each breath. Many people have claimed that this jogger has kicked and pushed on their cars, while others say there have been handprints left on the outside of their windows. But, whatever you do, don't let the jogger reach the driver's side of the car. Otherwise, it could very well be the last thing you do ...

Phantom Camaro

Back in the 1970s, a black Camaro was cruising along the road and ended up crashing, ultimately killing the driver. Nowadays, if you come across a black Camaro while driving down Riverdale Road, I highly suggest you turn back. Especially if said Camaro has a busted headlight. That's when you high-tail it out of there! And whatever you do, don't try to race it! Because, as the myths claim, if you race the phantom Camaro, you'll only be racing towards your death—a race you definitely don't want to win.

Ghost Lady

It's said that the man who built and lived in the great mansion along the 11-mile stretch lost his mind one night and burnt it to the ground, killing his entire family as they slept. Screams can still be heard among the ruins. The ghost lady, also known as the woman in white, has been seen among the grounds—she's presumed to be the wife of this man. Many people who have come in contact with this woman in white have tried to help her, but she merely continued on her path in silence. A single glance in the rearview mirror tells these folks that she's disappeared completely from sight. Now the question is: where'd she go? This ghost lady isn't entirely innocent, though. Some legends say she will try to lure unsuspecting individuals into the Gates of Hell ... I'll pass, thanks.

Hatchet Lady of Red Rocks

Red Rocks is a staple of Colorado. If you haven't seen a concert there, then it's likely you've walked along its trails, or vice versa. The point is: it's a big deal for Coloradans—Red Rocks holds a special place in all of our hearts. But ... what if I told you it's home to some eerie and paranormal tales? Would you still want to see your favorite band play when there's something lurking in the shadows, watching your every move? Yeah, probably not.

One of the more popular and well-known legends surrounding Red Rocks is that of the Hatchet Lady. She wasn't always known as the Hatchet Lady, though. In fact, many stories say that this woman, "Old Mrs. Johnson," would pull a coat over her head and carry around a hatchet in order to ward off her daughters' suitors. Apparently, she wasn't a fan of young love. She, of course, has tales that make her a headless ghost that scares off couples who are getting a little too frisky in the shadows. 'Cause, come on, headless ghosts are like a million times scarier than regular ghosts and would definitely put an end to any mischief.

Other myths believe that this Hatchet Lady was a homeless woman who lived in the area, like in a nearby cave, in the 1950s, and instead of going after young lovers, she'd go after children. Any young kiddos who ended up a little too close for her liking would be killed, and she'd hide their bodies (and severed limbs) around the grounds. So, a word of advice, don't stray too far from the marked paths—and stick together.

Denver International Airport's Underground City

We all know that there are countless conspiracy theories and urban legends that surround DIA. In fact, we've written about a few of them, so we'll keep this brief. One of our favorite myths deals with the underground city that resides beneath the airport.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

This tale sparked from the sci-fi classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind. You're probably wondering, "What does an old movie have to do with this?" Well, I'm happy you asked! The coordinates (104, 44, 30, 40, 36, 10) sent by the aliens in the film lead directly to DIA when they're plugged into Google Earth (W104′ 44′ 30′ N40′ 36′ 10′). What's even more creepy is that the movie was released on November 16, 1977. DIA? Yeah, it didn't open until February 28, 1995. That's an 18-year gap! How is that possible?

Lizard People

There are also beliefs that tunnels lead to concentration camps and Nazi prisons, and even that the underground city is home to alien lizard people. Known as “Reptilians,” these lizard creatures are shape-shifters who use the airport as their base, waiting to take over the world!

Are there other urban legends and myths about the state that we didn't include? Email us!


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