Learn more about the Irish holiday with these interesting facts!

St. Patrick's Day is here, and it's a holiday loved by many across the country, myself included. We can only imagine all of the cabbage, Guinness (preferably dyed green!), and corn beef that will be consumed! So, through information provided by WalletHub, we've decided to take a deeper look at the facts and figures surrounding St. Patrick's Day, to add more appreciation for the beloved holiday.

All of the information detailed in the infographic below is based on projections by WalletHub, as well as statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Retail Federation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Produce News Seven Seas, and other news reports.

More St. Patrick's Day Facts (courtesy of WalletHub):

  • $43 – the average amount of money that will be spent on St. Patrick's Day by partiers.
  • 5 hours – the amount of time it takes to dye the Chicago River green (but they won't be doing it this year due to the coronavirus concern)
  • 1962 – the first year that the Chicago River was dyed green.
  • 32 percent – of men have admitted to binge-drinking on the Irish holiday.
  • 174 percent – more beers sold on St. Patrick's Day than any other day.
  • 153 percent – more spirits sold on St. Patrick's Day than any other day.

Read more interesting St. Patrick's Day facts by WalletHub!

Know any more awesome facts about the Irish holiday? How will you be celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year? Share them with us in the comments below.