Angry James and The Bakers' Brewery are collaborating with Dillon Dam Brewery to create a one-of-a-kind beer in honor of their Silverthorne Olympic heroes.

The Olympics may be over, but the celebrations for some are never-ending. At least, that's the case in Silverthorne where two of its breweries (Angry James Brewing and The Bakers' Brewery) have teamed up with Dillon Dam Brewery to work on a new beer to honor Olympic snowboarders Red Gerard, Kyle Mack, and Chris Corning, who all hail from or have connections to Silverthorne.
Red Gerard took home a gold medal in the men's slopestyle competition -- Team USA's first in the 2018 Games. Then, Kyle Mack took home the silver in the men's Big Air competition, while Chris Corning also competed in the event, but, unfortunately, he didn't end up medaling. The young snowboarder did end up taking second place in slopestyle at the 2018 Burton U.S. Open Snowboarding Championship in Vail, though. AJ Brinkerhoff, co-owner of Angry James, told Summit Daily, "This is our way of expressing how proud we are of those guys bringing home gold and silver to our little community."
The new brew is a red ale beer and is said to be unlike anything the three breweries have on tap. "When you're going to do a collab, typically you're not going to make something run-of-the-mill because we have all that stuff covered already," said Cory Forester, founder of The Bakers' Brewery. "We're looking to do something new and different -- something a little weird." They're producing seven barrels of the beer, which boils down to two kegs per barrel. Each brewery will receive about three to four kegs worth and it's expected to be available in April. The red ale will be called Medalthorne. And even though the snowboarders aren't old enough to enjoy the brew -- Mack, the oldest of the three, doesn't turn 21 until July -- that shouldn't stop their families and community from doing so. "It's more of a fun thing," Brinkerhoff said. "We love our beer in Summit County, and this is how we get together as a community so I don't think age is the big factor." It's always encouraging to see our communities showing their support for our local heroes! What do you think? Are you going to try the new brew when it becomes available? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Did You Know That Colorado Athletes Won More Medals at the Olympics Than 77 Other Countries? Click Here to Read More!