Washington, D.C., is a vibrant city filled with rich history, iconic landmarks, and diverse cultures. However, with so many unique names and spellings, it's no surprise that some places in the capital city are commonly mispronounced or misspelled.

If you've ever wondered how to pronounce or spell a place in D.C., don't worry—you're not alone. In this guide, we'll examine seven commonly mispronounced and misspelled places in D.C. and help you get it right next time.

List of Most Mispronounced Places in Washington, D.C.:

Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Station

Chances are, you've been slaughtering "Grosvenor" six ways from Sunday, and no judging! It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. The correct pronunciation is "grove-nor," dropping the "s" in the French pronunciation. Fun fact: the Grosvenor neighborhood was named after Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, first editor of National Geographic.

Adams’ Morgan or Adam’s Morgan?

Actually, both are wrong! This neighborhood gets its name from two formerly-segregated schools in the area—the all-white John Quincy Adams and the all-black Thomas P. Morgan School. In 1956, the Adams-Morgan Better Neighborhood Conference was formed to improve the neighborhood, and that's how the neighborhood got its name. Eventually, the hyphen was dropped, so now it's simply "Adams Morgan."

Takoma vs. Takoma Park

The neighborhood in D.C. with its own Metro station is called "Takoma," and the city in Maryland that borders it is called "Takoma Park." You don't want to be caught confusing the two with residents of either!

DuPont Circle or Dupont Circle

Both are OK. Though the circle was named after Samuel Francis DuPont (with an uppercase "P"), Congress named it "Dupont Circle" (with the lowercase "p") on February 25, 1882. You can do a big "P" or a little "p," as long as you put the seat back down when you're done. (Sorry. I had to). Also, it's pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable, "DUpont."

L'Enfant Plaza

L'Enfant may sort of seem like it should be pronounced "la infant," but that's not thinking like a fancy French person. Pierre L'Enfant was the civil engineer for which L'Enfant Plaza was named, and he was responsible for the initial basic plan for D.C. He was also the guy responsible for leaving out the "J" in our alphabetically-named streets because, at that time, it looked too much like an "I." They kept I Street, though, so is it safe to say that they took a vote, and the "I's" had it? (Again, couldn't resist). All jokes aside, in keeping with the French pronunciation, it should sound more like "lawn font."

Gallaudet University

Gallaudet University, a university for the deaf and hard of hearing, was named after Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, an American educator. It is probably the most massacred of D.C.'s commonly mispronounced places and is called "gall-yoo-det" by the masses (bashfully raising my own hand here). The correct pronunciation is "gall-ah-det."


Okay, this one's technically in Virginia, but it's right over the Key Bridge from Georgetown, so it kind of works? It's such a mind-blowing mispronunciation, that I had to add it. Widely, and I would even venture to say, unanimously known as "rozz-lin," this community was based around a farm in colonial days owned by William and Carolyn Ross. Their farm was named Ross Lynn.