The Adams County Fair is fast approaching and this year’s lineup features special guest Granger Smith!

The team at Our Community Now had a chance to chat with the famous country artist and talk about everything from his viral videos, his latest album, and even his guilty pleasure songs. Check out the full interview below!

So, you’re coming to perform at the Adams County Fair in August. We’re very excited. And you’re performing on the same night as Professional Bull Riding -- which I just learned was the other kind of PBR -- so first thing’s first. Our first question: Will you be bull riding while you’re here?

GRANGER: Uh, I will not actually. I’ve broken enough ribs falling off stages and trying to play concerts. I’m a little bit of an adrenaline junkie and I’m a little bit too old to do that crazy [stuff] like I used to.

I feel like I’d rather break a rib jumping off a stage than getting kicked off a bull, so that’s fair.

GRANGER: I absolutely would, and it hurts bad enough, so I can’t imagine getting hurt and stomped on by bulls, so I’m good.

So just a little bit more about you. Who the heck is Earl Dibbles, Jr.?

GRANGER: Earl is a product of a video that my brothers and I made. Several years ago, we made a video to promote an album and promote some music. It was kind of an ultra-country boy alter-ego -- overalls, white tank top. And this video went viral on us and started getting millions of views, so I wrote a song for him. Then, that song and music video started getting a lot of views, so I added him to the show. It was kind of one step after another when this alter-ego becomes part of my show and part of my every night.

That’s hilarious, because I went on the website and I saw that there were two different sides of the site, and I went on the ‘Earl Dibbles, Jr.’ side and then I started seeing this ‘Yee Yee’ thing everywhere. So, what is ‘Yee Yee’ Nation? What is this ‘Yee Yee’ lifestyle?

GRANGER: Yeah, ‘Yee Yee’ is our brand. It’s what we stand for. It’s living life to the fullest and our slogan for it is called ‘Live it.’ And Earl Dibbles, Jr. actually started it, but it’s really taken off and taken on a life of its own. We have an energy drink. We have a complete apparel line, as you probably saw on that website. Earl has a book coming out on August 21 so it’s just a passion project for us. My brothers and I all work together and we just love what we do.

So, full disclosure, I’ve never really been much of a country fan myself, but I have listened to some of your music -- including your newest album “When the Good Guys Win” -- and I will admit, it’s pretty good. How would you describe your music and the kinds of songs you write to someone like me who’s never really listened to country before?

GRANGER: Well, I think the main difference in country music is that the storytelling is a little bit more transparent. We could tell a story in country music and be very specific about what we’re talking about in an effort to connect with the fans. We really wear that as a badge of honor in country music, to connect with fans on a deep level. Part of that goes within the storytelling, we’re not ever cryptic. You don’t ever have to hear a song and go ‘I wonder what the heck he’s talking about.’ We could tell the story in a way that it’s easily digestible to the listener, if that makes sense. And to me, that’s what country music has always been. It’s always been an easily digestible, easy-to-relate-to storyline.

Who are some of your favorite artists that you draw inspiration from, or even just like to rock out to?

GRANGER: I started this whole thing listening to George Strait. He was the guy that really hooked me. I was a fan club member and I was always a fan first. I was traveling around and would get as close as I could with my tickets and chased them around just wanting to be a part of that in whatever way, shape, or form.

Do you have any guilty pleasure songs?

GRANGER: Well, I’ve got three little kids at home, so it seems like any time I have a guilty pleasure song, it’s because I’m humming one of their tunes. They’ve always got these new things that they’re watching, like Coco. That Coco soundtrack is actually really good, that new animation film. So we sit around in the kitchen and they talk to Alexa, and they’ll say ‘Alexa, play the Coco Motion Picture Soundtrack on Spotify' and it just loops it over and over. So, yeah, that’s my guilty pleasure.

In your opinion, what is the 2018 Song of the Summer? What’s your summer jam?

GRANGER: Oh, ‘You’re in It.’ That’s our new single. If I didn’t say that, it’d be really bad business practice.

Ah, well played. Alright, now we have some rapid-fire questions, so I’ll give you two options and you’ll pick one of the two.

GRANGER: Yeah, whatcha got?

We know you’re from Texas so: Cane’s or Whataburger?

GRANGER: Whataburger.

*NSYNC or Backstreet Boys?

GRANGER: Gosh, that’s a tough one. I’d have to say *NSYNC.

Bud Light or Coors Light?

GRANGER: Bud Light.

Ribs or wings?


Nickelback or Rush?

GRANGER: Nickelback.

Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?

GRANGER: Jack, for sure.

Batman or Superman?

GRANGER: Uh, Batman. He’s a little bit more human.

Boxers or briefs?

GRANGER: Boxer briefs!

Interstates or backroads?

GRANGER: Backroads, for sure.

City or country? This is a freebie because I’m letting you promote your new book, ‘If You’re City, If You’re Country.’

GRANGER: I would say there’s good in both, but I would always lean towards country.

And finally, if you weren’t a famous country singer, what else would you be?

GRANGER: A high school football coach slash history teacher.

Wow, very Friday Night Lights. Awesome. Well, we’re excited to have you coming to the fair this year. We know you’re a great guy and you’ve done some important work with Children’s Hospital as well. August 2 when you’re performing at the fair is also 4H Night, so again we’ll be benefiting an organization that does some amazing work for youth and agriculture education, so we’re excited to have you.

GRANGER: That is great. I can’t wait to come. It’s gonna be fun.

Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us.

GRANGER: You’re welcome, guys. Thank you so much.

Don’t wait to get your tickets to see Granger Smith perform at the Adams County Fair on August 2! The action-packed night begins with Professional Bull Riding at 6 p.m., then features Granger Smith in concert at 8:30 p.m. VIP Tickets include complimentary food and beverage, backstage access, and corral side seats for Bull Riding.

For tickets and more information, visit the Adams County Fair website.

Special thanks to Granger Smith and the team at Adams County Fair.

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