Believe it or not, there are plenty of places in Colorado that have a history with the creature known as Bigfoot. 

*Originally published on February 18, 2020:

The mystery of Bigfoot has fascinated people for generations, with sightings of the mysterious creature reported far and wide. Colorado is home to many sightings and reports of the creature also known as the Yeti, the Sasquatch, the abominable snowman, the hairy, giant, missing link, etc. said to roam the wilderness, leaving footprints and few other clues behind.

bigfoot sightings in colorado

Colorado has long been considered as one of the most active places in the country for Bigfoot, with hundreds of sightings reported here, some dating as far back as the 1800s. Fact, fiction, or somewhere in between, the story of Bigfoot continues to be told with new sightings happening frequently.

And we've discovered some of the most famous spots in Colorado for Bigfoot sightings, thanks to information and investigative reports by The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), a group dedicated to studying the Bigfoot species in a way that is non-invasive and will not harm them. The BFRO describes itself as a “virtual community made up of scientists, journalists, and specialists from diverse backgrounds."

Summit County

To kick things off, we're starting with the most recent Bigfoot sighting in the state, which occurred in July 2019 in Summit County. Hikers just outside Leadville reported seeing what appeared to be a Sasquatch climbing a wall of snow as they hiked Mayflower Gulch near Copper Mountain. Summit County is home to three other notable sightings, the earliest being recorded in the 1960s when reports of hikers in the area saw a large, nearly 700-pound white furry creature drinking from a beaver pond.

Pikes Peak and El Paso County 

Pikes Peak has been the site of Bigfoot sightings for a very long time and has been featured on Animal Planet, as well as other shows, podcasts, and documentaries. Pikes Peak has reported sightings dating back to the 1800s, with whispers of sightings near Manitou Springs, Green Mountain Falls, and along the Pikes Peak Highway. A sign is placed on the Pikes Peak Highway near Colorado Springs warning passerby of a Bigfoot crossing; it was placed there in the early 1990s.

Pikes Peak sits in El Paso County, which itself has had at least seven reported sightings of Bigfoot. The most recent was in 2006 near Fort Carson when a soldier reports seeing a seven-foot-tall creature. Fort Carson seems to be a place the creature likes, as reports of sightings in the area go back to the early 1990s.

Larimer County

Estes Park sits in Larimer County, which has had several Bigfoot sightings over the years. The last notable sighting here was in May 2019, when a woman and her husband visiting the area reported hearing strange crying sounds as they walked along a trail on Storm Mountain. The woman followed the sound until she became disoriented, but managed to take a few pictures of the area. She was able to find her husband and the two made their way back to the cabin they were visiting. Upon review of her pictures, she found what looks like a crouched figure in the trees, bearing quite a resemblance to the famed Bigfoot. 

Estes Park hosts a Bigfoot festival every year called Estes Park Bigfoot Days

In December of 2016, possible Bigfoot tracks were reported outside Windsor, as well as in July of 2015 near Estes Park. Folks have reported giant footprints in the Rawah Wilderness, elk hunters seeing the creature chase deer, and campers watching as the creature approached their campfire north of Fort Collins.

Animal Planet delved into the famous 1962 Colorado Mystery sighting, investigating the 8-millimeter film shot in 1962, which is grainy but appears to show a large human-like figure jumping around a rocky hillside. It was taken during a camping trip in the Rockies in the Rawah Wilderness, and the family kept the footage a secret for 50 years before allowing it to be shown on Animal Planet.

Park County 

Park County has had more sightings than any other county in the state, with several in Bailey. The most recent here was in 2018 when a mother and her 21-year-old daughter reported a scary encounter with the mysterious creature on the east side of Kenosha Pass Campground. Upon hearing some noises, mom and daughter tossed a rock around to make noises of their own. Rocks began whizzing by their heads and a disgusting smell took over the area. The mother reported seeing a dark figure staring down as she looked back to see what was happening, so the two ran for their car and heard loud screaming behind them.

Bailey, Colorado, in Park County is home to the Sasquatch Encounter Museum. Run by a local Bigfoot believer, the Sasquatch Outpost is a store that offers all things related to the “Squatch”. The museum shares stories of sightings and features a sighting board marking incidents and reports in the state.

Teller County

Teller County is home to the Pike National Forest, which happens to be commonplace in the state to catch a glimpse of the elusive Yeti. There are nine reported incidents in Teller County alone. The most recent report was in 2013 when a couple reported seeing the creature walking near Skaguay Reservoir. Along with that sighting, the Pike National Forest has several reports from folks who have experienced unusual activity. Many of these reports are similar; a noise in the night, seeing a big creature peering back through the darkness, large footprints much bigger than a man’s left behind, etc.

Does Bigfoot exist? We don’t know, and we likely will never know, but the stories and the sightings keep happening, so ... Perhaps the mystery will be solved, one day. Until then, we will simply have to wonder and wait.