For those of us working from home right now, the silence can be deafening.

If you miss the tapping of computer keys and that annoying coworker whistling in the hallway, try this fun online noise generator. The concept is both simple and effective. This website, made by a creative agency in Germany simply known as The Kids, simulates a typical office environment. 

It's almost like a basic game, trying to catch some of your faster coworkers as they bob around. My favorite one is the sleeping dude in a chair.

Click on absolutely everything you see and have it running in the background as you work on those tiresome spreadsheets. You can even customize the number of colleagues in your virtual office.

Do you miss your favorite angry typer? 

How about the constantly jamming copier?

There's even an incessantly ringing phone so you have something to ignore.

What office noises do you miss the most? Let us know in the comments!