*Originally published on February 2, 2022:

February is Black History Month. Black History Month celebrates and honors the contributions African Americans have made—and continue to make—to society. Go to museums or historical landmarks, read stories or watch documentaries, and learn about the people and movements who have shaped our nation. Here's what you can do to honor the contributions made by African Americans this year and beyond:

How to Celebrate and Honor Black History Month:

Visit a Museum or Historical Landmark

We recommend visiting the National Museum of African American History & Culture in Washington, D.C. It is the latest museum of the Smithosianan Institution and is solely dedicated to African-American life, culture, and history.

In addition, we suggest walking through Boston's Black Heritage Trail, which is home to the country's oldest African meeting house, as well as the first public school for Black children. The meeting house dates back to 1806, while the school was founded in 1835.

Read a Meaningful Book

There are so, so many books one could read in honor of Black History Month, but the following five books are our top recommendations:

Watch a Documentary, Movie, or Series

Various broadcast networks and streaming services are full of TV shows, movies, and documentaries to educate and entertain.

Deadline has compiled a great list of content for you to digest in honor of Black History, including, but not limited to:

  • Soul of a Nation Presents: Screen Queens Rising
  • Trayvon Martin: 10 Years Later
  • The Loyola Project

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