When you're asked to picture Fruit of the Loom's logo, what do you see? If you thought of fruit in a cornucopia, you're not alone.

But what if we told you that, according to Fruit of the Loom, its logo never contained a cornucopia? This phenomenon is called the Mandela Effect.

A TikToker named Nicole (@dimelifting) recently posted a video titled "I Got to the Bottom of the Fruit of the Loom Mandela Effect," where she shows off an old shirt from the brand and various newspaper clippings, all featuring the cornucopia in the logo.

fruit of the loom cornucopia logo tweet

She then goes on to say that Fruit of the Loom has removed all existence of the cornucopia in its logo.

"Not only are they lying to us, they're intentionally causing chaos," Nicole said in the TikTok video. "If you go to their homepage, they have a whole timeline of their logos ..."

We've included a screenshot of that webpage below, and as you can see, there's no cornucopia.

fruit of the loom logo, brand history

"The Fruit Story" timeline and brand history.
Courtesy of Fruit of the Loom's website.

All of this discourse surrounding Fruit of the Loom's logo and the supposed erasure of the cornucopia has gotten a lot of people riled up, myself included. I clearly remember the cornucopia in the logo—it's how I learned what a cornucopia even was!

Many others in the comments of Nicole's video share my sentiments:

"This and the Shazam thing have me thinking that many of our 'Mandela effects' are actually lies," one commenter said.

"the way they're [Fruit of the Loom] going to say that the cornucopia is a sign of knock offs as if someone would knock of Fruit of the Loom," said another.

Another TikTok user posed the question, "why were we gaslit?"

I'm sure it doesn't help that Fruit of the Loom seems to be doubling down on the fact that it never had the cornucopia logo.

The clothing brand has posted several videos, tweets, and other content on social media refuting the claim that the cornucopia ever existed. Fruit of the Loom's official TikTok account even has an entire playlist called "Mandela Effect."

All of that is only making us more suspicious that the brand has something to hide. (That, or it's just a marketing tactic to get people to continue to talk about Fruit of the Loom more. And if that's the case, well ... that's brilliant!)

But, what do you think? Did the cornucopia truly exist as part of Fruit of the Loom's logo? Are we being fed lies of its existence? Was the cornucopia logo simply a knock-off brand that capitalized on Fruit of the Loom? Or is this just our brains concocting false memories? Share your thoughts with us!

Also, do you have proof that Fruit of the Loom is covering up the existence of the cornucopia? Are there other Mandela Effects you'd like us to explore? Email us!

Interested in more Mandela Effects? We've written several articles surrounding the topic, including Sinbad's Shazaam movie, the Monopoly Man's monocle, Pikachu's tail color, and so much more!