Fall in Colorado means many things; the robust colors send leaf-peepers up to the hills in search of the perfect picture; fall festivals every weekend; and for the elk up in Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park, love is in the air. Elk rutting season in Colorado is here!

It usually peaks from mid-September to the end of October, and the elk are getting eager and ready to mingle. 

Elk Rutting Season 101

During the elk rutting season, male elks, (referred to as bulls) compete for the attention of the female elk (referred to as cows). The behavior and antics of the bull elk can get quite obnoxious, and they really work hard to make themselves the star of the show.

The male elk are all about strutting their stuff this time of year, and they often become more aggressive, charging at and sparing with each other as they work to establish their place as the dominant male and win the hearts of the "harem". The male elk strut their stuff, locking antlers and arching their necks in a showcase of their bodies for the ladies. They also emit pheromones intended to entice the female elk to engage with them.

Along with the physical display, the bugling of the bull elk gets quite impressive during the rutting season. Elk bugling is the unusual sound that male elks make when they are looking for a mate; it starts out as low grunts but quickly becomes a series of high-pitched, unique sounds.

Where to Visit During Elk Rutting Season

Visitors can watch the elk prance around, listen to the bugling, and, if they are lucky, watch the male elk herd the females. The behavior is literally the stuff of nature documentaries. Believe it or not, people will flock to the hills of Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park just to watch the elk mating rituals, and because we here in Colorado love a good tailgate, it has become a tourist attraction. The elk usually gather in open meadow areas and can be easily viewed if they're left alone.

In the Grand County area, the best place to visit during elk rutting season is the Kawuneeche Valley. Other prime areas include Moraine Park and Horshoe Park, both within Rocky Mountain National Park.

Check out this video from Colorado Parks and Wildlife:

Elk Fest in Estes Park

Estes Park gets very invested in the elk rutting season, marking the occasion every year with the annual Elk Fest.

Elk rutting season is just another unique mountain thing to do here in the great state of Colorado, and we are so ready for it. Whether you go every year or just once in a lifetime, watching the antics and shenanigans of the bull elk as they compete and vie for the attention of all the ladies is a thing you won’t likely ever forget.

*If you head up to spectate the elk, please remember to keep a safe distance, leave the animals alone, and do not interfere with the natural course of things for the elk.*


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