Are you a comic convention seasoned pro? Or a newbie? Either way, these cosplay terms will come in handy!

"Geek culture" has become increasingly more mainstream over the years, and thus, as have comic conventions and cosplaying. With huge cons like San Diego Comic Con, MegaCon Orlando, and New York City Comic Con, among countless others, more and more people are attending these types of events. (Which is freakin' amazing!)

It's become such an ingrained part of my life, and I wanted to share some cosplay terms and lingo with you in preparation for your next convention. Whether it's your first time or your tenth, these phrases will be handy on the convention floor! Trust me. (Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date on my latest cosplay adventures!)

Cosplay Terms and Lingo:

Something you buy and heavily mod. (Find the definition for "mod" below.)

Civilian clothes (non-cosplay clothing).

Con Plague
Post-convention, you might also endure the con plague, an illness one catches after several days of being in close quarters with people, not eating well, not drinking enough water, and not getting enough sleep.

"Costume Play"; the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, video game, or other types of fandom.

Cosplay Contest
A competition that shows off what you're wearing. You get paid if you win based on one of the four divisions. (Find the definitions for "The Four Levels," "Novice," "Journeyman," "Master," and "Professional" below.)

Known as the action of cosplaying characters from the opposite sex, it applies to both genders.

Combination of two fandoms to create a new character.

A furry is a fan of human-like animal characters and people dressed as such characters.

Change the gender of a character to suit your preferences or your own gender. In this case, you will adapt the features of the character to the opposite sex, and you will be making a genderbend cosplay.

If you won in Novice for a bigger con, you would compete in Journeyman. (Find the definition for "Novice" below.)

LARP (Live-Action Role Play)
A type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.

Once you win Journeyman, you go to Master. (Find the definition for "Journeyman" above.)

A competition where you go up in cosplay and do a skit related to what you are wearing, then you're judged on your performance and how you look.

Take whatever piece you have—a jacket, dress, whatever—and rework it, making it more accurate to the costume you're trying to do.

Entry-level in a cosplay contest.

OC (Original Characters)
Create a completely new character from scratch, not part of a specific fandom.

PCD (Post-Con Depression)
The blues some cosplayers feel after attending a convention.

If you're a professional costume designer or makeup artist, or FX person, you have to compete in Professional.

Same brand, same item worn on a show, movie, game, etc.

The exact article of clothing the actor wore on screen.

The Four Levels
Divisions in a cosplay contest: Novice, Journeyman, Master, or Professional.

Are you involved in the cosplay community? What's your favorite comic convention to attend every year? Comment below.

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