Despite the pandemic, Americans continued to put in the work.

A new study from WalletHub reveals the hardest-working states in the U.S. The research study used metrics such as workweek hours to the average commute time, the share of workers with multiple jobs, volunteer hours, and more. 

WalletHub determined that Colorado was the No. 7 hardest-working state overall.

North Dakota was ranked as the hardest-working state, while West Virginia ranked last. View the top 10 states below:

  1. North Dakota
  2. Alaska
  3. Wyoming
  4. Texas
  5. Nebraska
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Colorado
  8. Virginia
  9. Maryland
  10. Hawaii

Map of the hardest-working states below (courtesy of WalletHub):

Source: WalletHub

What do you think about the study? Are you surprised that Colorado ranked so high? Share your thoughts in the comments below.