In an effort to get city officials and the rest of us on public transport, a District-wide game of Transportation Bingo is underway. #TranspoBINGO

From now until February 4 (Bus to Work Day), Washington, D.C., commuters can play "Transportation Bingo" by using all sorts of car-free commuting alternatives: Metro, buses, walking, biking, etc. The rules are simple if you want to get in on the action:

1. Print a copy of the Transportation Bingo card.

2. Start doing things listed like "travel across water" or "give up your seat."

3. Document, document, document. Take plenty of selfies and post them with #TranspoBINGO to join in the movement.

4. Attend the happy hour on February 4 for the chance to win cool prizes and make new friends. It will be held at Jackpot in Chinatown (726 7th Street NW) from 5:30 p.m. on.

DMV residents are already taking to Twitter to show their progress, so you better get a move on if you want to play this year. Some are even tagging their elected officials to get them in the game.

Will you be playing Transportation Bingo in 2020, or is it just too hard to give up your car? Let us know in the comments!