*Originally published April 8, 2021:

Driving in D.C. can be an anxiety-inducing, white-knuckle experience that not everyone can handle. The honking, the gesturing, the double-parking delivery vans ... So much about driving in D.C. can completely ruin your day. Here are just some of our pet peeves, for your viewing pleasure.

Why Driving in Washington, D.C., Is the Worst:

1. People park anywhere, any time.

2. The concept of "one car-one parking spot" is optional to some.

3. If you do actually manage to find a spot on the street, you have to get into it with an audience watching your every move.

4. There are too many one-way streets to keep track of.

5. When rush hour traffic hits, the toll lanes are actual highway robbery.

6. Don't. Block.The. Box.

7. Even the decals are ... aggressive.

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