We can all use a good laugh, right?

If you think your home isolation situation is less than ideal, check out these videos and be thankful for your setup. These comedians show you what it's like to practice social distancing with a funny guy. 

Darren Knight, aka Southern Momma

For the uninitiated, Southern Momma is a sight to behold, especially when she's talking to her kids, Bailey and Jameson. You'll fall down a YouTube rabbit hole with this one.

Dude Dad

From boredom snacking to coming up with activities for the kids, Dude Dad is most relatable when he imitates his wife. She loves Target, coffee creamer, and rolling her eyes at her husband. She's basically most suburban housewives in America right now.

Sebastian Maniscalco

This fast-talking comedian will have you in stitches when he talks about social distancing. You're going to love his take on everyday life and his relatable stories.

Nick Heath

Nick Heath is a rugby commentator in the UK who has taken to applying his talents to everyday situations. His Twitter account is full of hilarious videos like this one:

If you want some more isolation comedy, just search for #quarantinelife or #homeisolation on Twitter. You won't be disappointed!

Have you found a new favorite comedian in your YouTube browsing? Let us know in the comments!