Don't get caught breaking one of these weird Alabama laws.

We all know that Alabama is an amazing place to live. Between our proximity to the Gulf Coast and picturesque landscapes, nothing about our state truly makes us want to live anywhere else.

Actually, scratch that. The following 12 weird laws may have you rethinking that last statement ...

12 Weird Laws in Alabama:

1. Don't get caught in a bear wrestling match, as it's prohibited.

2. Dominoes may not be played on Sundays.

3. Make sure you don't wear a fake mustache to church, specifically one that causes laughter. Otherwise, you're breaking the law.

4. Boogers may not be flicked into the wind. (Erm, okay ... noted.)

5. If at any time you have the urge to place an ice cream cone in your back pocket, don't. It's illegal.

6. After sundown on Wednesdays, it's illegal to sell peanuts in Lee County. The rest of the week is fine.

7. No person within the city may possess confetti. 

8. Don't spit your orange peels on the sidewalk, or you'll be in violation of the law.

9. "Spray String" is banned. (First confetti, and now this?)

10. It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on a street ... for fear of spooking horses.

11. Yet another spitting law: no person may spit on the floor of a church.

12. And finally, you must have windshield wipers on your car. (Um, are there people out there who don't??)

There you have it, folks. Now you know what you can, but mostly can't, do in Alabama.