Apple has recently announced that it's expanding its group FaceTime capabilities by allowing users to chat with 32 of their closest friends, all at the same time.

On the first day of the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose, California, Apple announced some new features users can expect with the iOS 12 update -- which will be available this fall -- and one of them includes being able to have group FaceTime chats with up to 32 of your closest friends and family members. That's right. 32! (I don't even think I know 32 people.) Now, not sure about you, but I won't be FaceTiming my extended family members constantly, though it's definitely nice to have that option if I were ever in a situation where I needed to. Apple gave a demonstration of the new group chat feature at the conference and displayed tiles of people's faces across the screen. Participants in the chat can join and leave at any time. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="38108,38109,38111"] "We're very excited about the new communications features we're bringing to iPhone and iPad ... With iOS 12, we're enabling new experiences that weren't possible before. We're using advanced algorithms to make AR even more engaging and on-device intelligence to deliver faster ways to get things done using Siri," Craig Federighi, senior vice president of Software Engineering at Apple, said in a statement.
Users will also be able to use filters and Animoji as well as a new "Memoji" feature, which is a more personal form of Animoji. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="38112,38110"] You will be able to "create beautifully designed Memoji right within Message by choosing from a set of inclusive and diverse characteristics to form a unique personality." Users will have more Animoji options to choose from, including the addition of a ghost, koala, tiger, and T. rex. To read more about the iOS 12 update and all of the new features to expect this fall, click here. What do you think? Will you be utilizing the new FaceTime group chat feature? Also, what other updates are you excited for? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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