Every wedding has a website.

I distinctly remember a moment in college when I was hanging out with my friend Lindsey, and she said, "every wedding has a website." At the time, I was unaware of this, as I hadn't been to many weddings and was only around 21. But, it turns out that she was right. Maybe it's not every wedding, but I've seen them more often than not. I've been invited to multiple weddings recently (including Lindsey's!), and they've all had websites.

At this point, it feels like you're not keeping up with the times if you don't have a website for your wedding. But why have these become such an important aspect of getting married? Let's get into it!

Why Have a Wedding Website?

Technology and media have become increasingly present in our lives, whether we like it or not. It can definitely be a super useful tool in many ways. I, for one, can't imagine not being able to conveniently shoot my friends a text or give them a call. How did people make plans before phones? Scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, however, is another issue (which I definitely need to work on). But when it comes to wedding websites, there are plenty of reasons to have one.

A wedding website is basically an incredibly useful and organized place where all wedding-related information can live. While you may like to think everyone keeps their invites on the fridge, that's not always the case and they may even get lost. Even if you haven't lost the invite, but wish to pull up information when you don't have it with you, websites make it easy to do so on your phone.

These sites will typically include information such as the wedding venue and date, travel info, accommodations, COVID precautions, and the couple's registry. Oftentimes, they will also feature a section on the story of how the couple met and got together. I've personally really enjoyed reading my friends' love stories on their websites! Some couples may even choose to have the RSVP set up online, which simplifies the process. Any updates made to the event can also be made on the site, and you can enable notifications, making it a super useful place for up-to-date information. I know people have survived without digital intervention—but c'mon, you can't deny this is an awesome organizational tool!

Can Anyone See My Website?

While some websites are easy for anyone to access, you can definitely use password protection. While it seems unlikely that uninvited guests will track down your wedding and crash it, it's always best to stay on the safe side.

Post Wedding Benefits

A wedding website isn't only helpful for the time leading up to the wedding. It can also be a great spot to include wedding photos. The point of a wedding website is accessibility after all, and this will allow you to have easy access to any wedding photos and videos.

Maybe it's just the millennial/Gen-Z cusper in me, but I'm all for wedding websites! So, what do you think? Let us know in the comments!