Located just off Prospect and 36th Streets NW, the dark stairway made famous by the 1973 horror movie The Exorcist is up for historic landmark status.

The dark and eerie stairway (and its retaining wall) known for its pivotal role in the horror movie The Exorcist -- it filmed its climactic death scene at the steps -- could become a historic landmark. A group called the Prospect Street Citizens Association submitted an application with the Historic Preservation Review Board in September and won't have a final decision until November 15.

If the infamous steps get approved as a historic landmark, then any demolition plans or alterations made to either the stairway or retaining wall will need to gain approval from the mayor prior to moving forward.

"Our group has long been concerned with any ongoing development activity at 3601 M St., NW," said Prospect Street Citizens Association board member Catherine Emmerson in a statement. "Of the utmost importance is what could happen to the iconic Exorcist steps and the historic retaining wall next to them ... It is our hope that raising awareness about these issues will preserve the Exorcist steps and the retaining wall for all to enjoy for decades to come."

The stairway and retaining wall were constructed between 1894–1895 as part of the Capital Traction Company's car barn and streetcar station, according to the application, and are considered a "feat of engineering construction."

For more information, click here. And you can watch the staircase scene from The Exorcist here.

What do you think? Would you like to see The Exorcist stairway become a historic landmark? Have you seen the horror movie before? Let us know in the comments below.

These are the 5 most haunted places in Baltimore.