Here are some tips on how to muddle through the post-break-up move.

After years of living together, one of the worst things about breaking up is the inevitable move. Before you chuck it all and start from scratch, here are some dos and don'ts to get you through the packing up and moving process.

Don't drown your sorrows. You need your wits about you when you're packing up a lifetime of stuff.

Don't try to move big stuff yourself. Hire a professional!

Do be sure to pad things properly. This kind of thing isn't fun for anyone.

Do remember little things like hangers, cleaning supplies, and shelf paper. There's a ton you can do while you wait for the movers to get to the new place with all of your furniture.

Don't forget to measure your bigger pieces and the width of your new hallways. It may be time for new furniture if you're down-sizing in space. What a great way to move on from your partner's old hand-me-downs!

Do clear stuff off before trying to move it. Now is not the time to be lazy!

Do check over everything once you have it in place. There's nothing more annoying than trying to track down a missing drawer or couch cushion.

When all is said and done, a good move is the perfect way to get your new life started. Plan it well and hire professionals to make it all that much easier to deal with.

Do you have any funny moving fail stories? Tell us about them in the comments!