Girls like guns too!

While firearms may be more often associated with men, it is important to realize that many women also use them. In fact, according to The Washington Post, more women own firearms than ever. Let's take a look at the increase of women and firearms and woman-centered firearm training.

Women Gunowners Are Increasing

A Harvard study showed women made up about half of the people purchasing guns between 2019-2021. It also found that new gun owners are likely to be female. This was during a time when there was a lot going on in the world, including the pandemic and civil unrest. Women have found it empowering to have greater control over their own safety, as firearms can help provide a sense of comfort and protection.

We've also seen that women of both political parties can be proud gun owners. While there may be debates regarding gun control laws, women are more likely to support stricter laws than men. The growing interest that women have in firearms could mean they are more likely to become even more involved and have more power in the conversations around these laws. According to a poll by CBS News, 60% of women are more likely to vote for stricter gun control laws, while 46% of men supported stricter laws.

Regardless of what happens surrounding gun control, we are seeing women become a greater part of the firearm culture. It is exciting to see more desire from women to be a part of the community, as well as more inclusivity.


One thing that is incredibly important for all gun owners is training. Gun safety is crucial, and training helps to provide shooters with the proper safety measures and firearm use. This is not something that is enforced in every state but should be something gun owners take the initiative to do. One of the big reasons many people own guns in the first place is for protection. Training is beneficial to all gun owners. Women, in particular, may feel intimidated if they are new to a space that has been predominantly men. Luckily, there are training courses that are specifically geared toward women.

Meet Ava Flannel

Ava Flannel, the founder of Elite Firearms & Training, teaches courses at DCF Guns. While her parents owned a gun shop when she was growing up, where she spent time working to earn shopping money, guns were not a big interest of hers. Ava wasn't against guns, they simply were not her interest. She also viewed them as a male-dominated hobby.

Ava eventually went on to college in New York City, where she ended up living for 8 years. Ava didn't shoot her first gun until 2012 when she was visiting her family back in Colorado. A cameraman videotaped her mother, who was a certified firearms instructor, teaching her how to shoot.

"Fake pearl bracelets hung on my wrists, and I was more excited to wear pink ear muffs than I was to shoot," Ava said.

After she made a few shots, she found that she not only enjoyed it but she was also a natural.

"It was exciting, empowering, and oddly enough meditative. Shocked by my accuracy, the cameramen kept asking my mom if it was really my first time shooting," Ava recalled.

Unfortunately, Ava's mom soon passed away from an accident (firearm-unrelated). This ignited a sense of passion in Ava to preserve her mother's legacy, and she decided to move home to Colorado to help with the family business. It wasn't long before she decided to become a firearm instructor herself. She was able to relate to students and teach them strategies that helped her as she learned. Ava became a great instructor, while also feeling closer to her late mother.

In May 2013, Elite Firearms Training was born. The name changed to Elite Firearms & Training in 2014, after Ava received her federal firearms license. As mentioned, she also teaches ladies-only classes at DCF Guns. You can choose to take either private classes or group classes. These are fantastic opportunities for women to learn more about a range of firearm topics, including introductory lessons, advanced courses, and private Concealed Carry Classes. You can also find the class schedule here. Don't forget to follow Ava on Instagram!

Women should feel empowered to use firearms if they choose to do so, regardless of their femininity.

"As a very feminine woman, I hope to show women they can still be girly but capable of protecting themselves. This industry does not have to be male-dominant, and I plan to continue to break the many stereotypes most associate with firearms," Ava said.

Remember, you are strong and capable as a woman!