On the surface, the office holiday party is all fun and games. Dig a little deeper, and you'll find a few land mines to avoid.

From cautionary tales to words of wisdom, you can always count on tweets to steer you right. At the very least, you can learn what NOT to do at your annual office festivities!

Networking can be hard; try not to be too awkward.

Don't ask too many questions about where the money comes from; just enjoy it while it lasts!

Stick to the dress code!

If you're going to do karaoke, either be good enough to get a standing ovation or so bad that people feel sorry for you and join in.

Just because they're free doesn't mean you have to drink them all. Pace yourself at the bar!

Don't do anything that you'll earn a nickname for the next day!

If you do end up doing something a little questionable, avoid anyone who looks like they're filming it!

Bottom line: Have fun at the office party, but not enough to regret it the next day! When in doubt, dance like HR is watching (because they probably are).

Do you have an office party holiday horror story? Share it with us in the comments!