*Originally published on March 16, 2021:

With their soft fur, big ears, and adorable little noses, it’s no wonder people would consider adopting a rabbit. However, every year, as Easter approaches, people often think an Easter bunny of their own would make the perfect gift, but we're here to tell you that it may not be such a great idea ...

Don’t get us wrong, bunnies are great, but adding a rabbit to your family—or any animal for that matter—shouldn’t be done without careful consideration about what is best for you and your new pet. So let's dive in and talk about the realities of caring for rabbits and why they don’t make good gifts, any time of year.

Bunny 101

  • Adding a bunny to your family is a long-term commitment. A domestic rabbit can live to be about 12 to 15 years old! 
  • Even though they are soft and appear cuddly, they generally are not fond of being held—which can be quite frustrating, especially for young children.
  • Rabbits need exercise and shouldn’t be caged all the time.
  • They can be litter box trained, but training takes time and patience. 

Rabbits do make wonderful, loving pets, but they are not “easy care” pets. They have specific needs to live a happy and healthy life. The Dumb Friends League has great resources for anyone who thinks a bunny is the right pet for their household at their shelters and website.

Why Giving Pets as Gifts Is Not the Best Idea

  • It’s a personal decision. The right pet for you and the right pet for someone else may not be the same thing.
  • Pets have their unique preferences, too. Some prefer a quiet home without children, while others thrive with active families.
  • A surprise pet may not be the best idea if the recipient—whether it’s an older parent, significant other, or child—is not ready or willing to commit owning and caring for a pet throughout its lifetime. And you should not expect your child to take full responsibility for caring for that pet.
  • Half the fun of adopting is coming to the shelter, together, and selecting the perfect pet. Walking through the kennels and meeting different animals is a vital part of the experience and will create memories that can be shared for a lifetime.

If it is the right time to add a pet to your family—cute little bunny or otherwise—please consider the adoption option. There are great pets waiting to meet their new families at the Dumb Friends League!

The Denver Dumb Friends League contributed to this article.