You can help increase the tree canopy over Arlington County by having a mature tree planted on your property -- for free!

Under the guidelines of the Tree Canopy Fund, EcoArlington is helping county residents to obtain and grow beautiful large canopy trees. Both individuals and eligible groups can apply to receive free trees and contractor services to plant them by submitting an application by January 7, 2019.

Who can apply for a TCF grant for trees?

Both individual homeowners and organized groups can apply for a TCF grant. Examples of groups include civic and homeowner groups, faith organizations, schools, civic service groups, nonprofit organizations, and ad hoc neighborhood groups.

All interested parties should complete the online application by midnight on January 7, 2019. 

Courtesy of Unsplash

How are the grants considered?

Priority will be given to:

  • First-time applicants
  • Projects submitted by organized groups
  • Applicants with flexibility in species type of the trees they receive
  • Projects that detail the planting location at the time of the application
  • Locations where the trees will have enough room for future growth and proper health, including proximity to streams or erosion areas
  • Neighborhoods where current canopy coverage is below the county average of 43 percent

Courtesy of Pexels

What is the timeline for the 2019 TCP grants?

Applicants will be notified of the final decisions by mid-February 2019. If you are chosen to receive trees, a contractor will contact you to coordinate a day for planting in March or April 2019. All tree recipients are required to clearly mark the tree's proposed location with white paint and communicate with Miss Utility for line marking.

A tree planting contractor will bring the trees, dig the holes, plant, mulch, and water. Recipients must then sign a waiver committing to provide ongoing care for the trees.

To view the full list of guidelines including detailed descriptions of terms, read the TCP announcement document.

Have you participated in the Tree Canopy Fund program? Tell us about your experience or post pictures of your trees in the comments below.

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