A California farm wants to inject a little llama fun into your next videoconference meeting.

Need to spice up your next videoconference? For a modest donation, you can have one of Sweet Farm's goats, llamas, or other rescued animals appear among your coworkers, then watch hilarity ensue.

According to the Sweet Farm website, there are several tiers of interaction available:

  • 20-minute Virtual Private Tour is a $65 donation for up to 6 people.

  • 10-minute Corporate Meeting Cameo is a $100 donation for unlimited guests.

  • 25-minute Corporate Meeting Virtual Tour is a $250 donation for unlimited guests.

  • 25-minute VIP Meeting Tour is a $750 donation for unlimited guests.

The staff at the farm will use the meeting link you send to beam in animals from all over the California farm. Virtual tours will take you around the barnyard, providing an educational look at your newest colleagues. What a great idea for a home classroom or virtual field trip! Donations will go directly to the running of this nonprofit rescue farm facility.

The Twitter-verse is going nuts for this concept, and Paco the Llama is one of the internet's rising stars.

For more information, visit the Goat 2 Meeting website here.

What have you done to liven up your videoconferences lately? Have you used Goat 2 Meeting yet? Let us know in the comments!