Does your grandma cook up a storm without ever consulting a recipe? Is her laugh as lovable as her smile? She may be just who GE wants for their next marketing campaign!

If you have a larger-than-life grandma who could easily win over hearts, you should consider entering her in GE's latest marketing competition. The chosen grandmother would represent the brand in some sort of foodie extraordinaire role and would be well-compensated for her time.

How does $50,000 for a year sound? Not bad, considering it will only be 10-15 hours of work each month! She will also get five top-of-the-line GE kitchen appliances, probably to test out her best dishes for the camera!

To enter the competition

Simply make a video of your grandma, take some awesome photos, and upload everything on the GE competition website. Be sure to use the #GreatAmericanGrandma tag in the video submission! You can enter yourself or someone else, so be creative! It makes sense that the videos should be food-related, as GE is a major appliance producer. 

Select "public" sharing settings on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube submissions, and make sure you are submitting original, engaging work.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2019.

What is required of the winner?

The winning grandma should be open to travel and marketing work. GE anticipates 10-15 hours of work per month for one whole year starting in March 2019. The Great American Grandma will also be eligible for additional spokesperson-type work after the employment period is up. 

**All photos in this article are courtesy of Unsplash.

For more information about this national contest, including guidelines and video suggestions, visit the GE Great American Grandma website.

Do you think your grandma has what it takes to be GE's new spokesperson as The Great American Grandma? Tell us about her in the comments below!