Whether you're not at home or simply hiding from human contact, you're going to need a "please take just one candy or else" sign.

Left to their own devices, you KNOW some smartypants would take the whole bowl. 

So do these signs work? Who knows? At the very least, the kids will read them -- and making kids read on Halloween is a service to your community, no? 

Tape it to your door, or get fancy and pop it in a frame, but make sure you get your message across!

1. Illustrated Poem

Courtesy of MomAlwaysFindsOut.com

I love how this one looks in a frame -- classy and to the point. Click here to download.

2. Slightly Creepy "Eye on You" Sign

Courtesy of occasionallycrafty.com

When in doubt, invoke a creepy I-see-all vibe with this cool sign. Visit occasionallycraft.com to download it.

3. Short and Sweet

Courtesy of MommaCan.com

The colors and design on this simple sign really pop. Easy enough for even the smallest ones to read, you can't go wrong with a classic. Download this sign here.

4. Boo! No more candy!

Courtesy of Ink Puddles by Karin

Check out the amazing illustrations on this sign! This talented blogger sets this one out just in case the darkened porch lights are a little too subtle. Download this sign here.

5. Craft Project Sign

Courtesy of throughtheeyesofthemrs.com

If you have a little time on your hands, this sign can be used for a cool craft project, or on its own. View the directions and download the sign here.

Do you have a clever Halloween sign you like to use? How do you let kids know you're out of candy? Let us know in the comments below!

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