This Denver couple is taking the phrase "crazy cat people" to a whole other level with maternity photos ... of their newly adopted cat. And no, we're not joking.

Denver residents Lucy Schultz and her boyfriend Steven have recently adopted a rescue kitten and wanted to share the news with close friends and family on Facebook. Sounds pretty normal, right? Yeah ... if only. The couple decided that ordinary photos of their new furry baby wasn't enough. Instead, they announced the kitten's arrival through a maternity photoshoot, which included a, um, simulated birth ...? We're just as confused (and horrified) as you are.
"On 1/10/18 we welcome our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22" long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz.," Schultz wrote on Facebook. "He is already eating solid food. Name to be announced. We are so in love ❤️"
Since Schultz posted the announcement on Saturday, the post has received over 72K shares and 39K comments, and counting! Schultz told 9News, "I kind of can't believe and also can believe that I'm gonna be known as the lady that gave birth to a cat." Well, you better start believing it, Lucy! 'Cuz that's exactly what happened.
With all of that being said, let's take a gander at the hysterical and downright disturbing photos that lit up the internet. Shall we?

Yep, already off to a VERY weird start. All I have to ask is WHY?!?

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Honestly, her boyfriend's face says it all.

[caption id="attachment_31375" align="aligncenter" width="900"]maternity Courtesy of Lucy Schultz | Elizabeth Woods-Darby[/caption]

Some more weirdness.

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Alright. These are pretty stinkin' CUTE!!

[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="31373,31372,31369"]

Annndddd it got weird again ...

[caption id="attachment_31388" align="aligncenter" width="900"]maternity Courtesy of Lucy Schultz | Elizabeth Woods-Darby[/caption] If you're interested in seeing the rest of the photos from this, uh, unique photoshoot, you can click here. And here's the photographer's Facebook page, just in case you're wanting to have a special maternity shoot of your own. What are your thoughts on this couple's recent announcement? Would you ever do this with your furry babies? We're VERY interested in what you guys have to say!

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