A veterinarian from Colorado is rushing to Alaska for the world-famous Iditarod dog sled race.

David Palmini is an animal doctor in Conifer, and soon he’ll be making his way to Alaska. The veterinarian will be treating dogs, and not just any dogs. He’ll be treating sled dogs in the world famous Iditarod race. [gallery size="large" ids="9735,9734"]   “Being a mountain practice, we definitely see a lot of trauma and critical care. We see animals throughout getting injured,” Palmini said. The transition from the mountains of Conifer to the snowy terrain of Alaska will be a simple one for Palmini, especially since many say he’s one of the best in the business. He will be one of 40 volunteer veterinarians in the Iditarod race. Palmini will be flown in by bush plane and assigned to one of 20 checkpoints. Over 1,500 dogs total participate in the race, with each team having 16 dogs. Palmini has also said that one of the biggest things they’ll most likely see will be strained wrists and shoulders.

Calendar of Events:

Iditarod Race Start: Saturday, March 4th at 10AM (12PM MST)

Race Re-Start: Monday, March 6th at 11AM (1PM MST)

Visit the Iditarod website for more information on the race, the mushers, and for live video feed.

Have you always dreamed of going dog sledding? There are areas in Colorado where your dream can become a reality!