If you daydream about buying 48-packs of toilet paper, this latest promotion from BJ's was made for you.

BJ's Wholesale Club is suspending membership requirements until November 4 so you can try their full line of services -- and yes, that includes the incredibly cheap gas!

They're calling it the "Welcome One and All" promotion, but this latest offering from BJ's Wholesale Club is a nationwide membership drive. All you have to do is stop by your local BJ's store, talk to member services for a free trial, and start shopping. Before you know it, you'll have a cart filled with way too many strawberries and a giant cryo-packed brisket because you can't resist their prices. The free trial extends to the BJ's gas stations, travel desk, tire shop, and online shopping. If you do decide to sign up, your new membership will be $25 instead of the usual $55 as long as you do so before the end of the promotion. You can also extend for a three-month free trial with conversion to a full membership at the end.

Courtesy of Unsplash

Before going crazy and withdrawing funds from your 401K, I've put together a list of things that are really worth it at warehouse-type stores. Don't be fooled by large packs of things; they don't always translate into savings if you don't use everything up in time.

Things that are worth it if you have the storage space

  • Beverages: Stock up on soda, water, and wine for your next big event.
  • Cleaning products: Sure, they'll be much bigger sizes, but you'll use them!
  • Over-the-counter medicine: Think vitamins, supplements, and analgesics.
  • Beauty products and toiletries
  • Paper products: Who doesn't need a ton of TP and paper towels?

Luxury items that are actually affordable at a warehouse store

  • Charcuterie and smoked salmon
  • Imported cheeses
  • Candy and imported chocolate
  • Books
  • Beer and wine
  • Nice cuts of meat (steaks, whole briskets, ribs, etc.)
  • Baked goods and cakes (BJ's has an amazing chocolate mousse cake)
  • Seafood
  • Fresh flowers and potted plants

Things to avoid

  • Produce that comes in really big packs -- Can you finish eight heads of lettuce before it goes bad?
  • Giant muffins (they come with giant calorie counts)
  • Huge vats of condiments you only use occasionally
  • Jumbo-sized containers of ice cream (because freezer burn)

All in all, shopping at a warehouse store is something you either love or you hate. If you've never been to one, make sure to have a shopping list and a ton of patience if you go on the weekend. Try for first thing in the morning, and keep an open mind. You may find you like the hustle and bustle of it all! Make sure you bring your own bags or boxes for all of your loot; there won't be any there to purchase. If you're lucky, there may be a big bin of weirdly shaped empty boxes by the checkout stands. 

For more information about the promotion, call your local BJ's Wholesale Club location or check out the official press release.

Are you a faithful BJ's shopper? Did I miss any of the must-have items? Let us know in the comments below!

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