The lookalike doll was released in honor of Her Majesty's 96th birthday, Platinum Jubilee!

April 21 was Queen Elizabeth II's 96th birthday—and Barbie celebrated by creating a lookalike doll in Her Majesty's honor. In addition to the significant birthday, Queen Elizabeth is the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee—70 years of service.

"Barbie celebrates the longest ruling monarch in British history, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose extraordinary reign has seen her lead with an immeasurable devotion to duty and a life of service," writes Mattel. "Reaching 70 years of service, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. This collectible doll wears an elegant ivory gown and blue riband adorned with decorations of order. A stunning crown and matching accessories complete her regal ensemble. "

Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the Queen Elizabeth Barbie doll has sold out.

Mattel limited purchases to three per person, according to the product page.

You can sign up for emails for any updates, but it's not been confirmed whether the doll company will do another run of the Queen Elizabeth doll. It was a limited-edition doll, after all.

Did you buy a Queen Elizabeth II Barbie doll? Sound off in the comments below.