A newborn puppy was left abandoned outside of the CPS's Trinidad office, and thanks to a fast-acting trooper, he was able to save the pup's life.

Appropriately named "Trooper," the newborn puppy is now thriving after an unknown CPS trooper saved his life just three weeks ago. When the trooper heard a cry coming from outside, the last thing he expected was to see a small puppy -- the little guy still had his eyes closed and umbilical cord attached. The trooper saw no sign of the pup's owners or mom, so he took the little guy to Fisher's Peak Veterinary Clinic. https://www.facebook.com/notes/noahs-ark-animal-welfare-association/hes-a-little-trooper/1681287278601941/
The clinic then made sure the pup had the proper medications and care before they corresponded with Noah's Ark Animal Welfare Association, who was then able to find the puppy a foster home with one of their volunteers, Teresa Clark. Trooper is now doing everything a three-week-old puppy should be doing: eating, sleeping, and more eating. "Now that he's 3 weeks old, he goes through about 2 cans of puppy formula a week," said Teresa in the Facebook post. "His favorite things to do are eat and sleep." [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="33362,33361"] A little wobbly on his feet, Trooper has tried his hand (paws?) at walking, and while he's yet to successfully walk on his own, his foster mom is sure he'll be running around and playing in no time. Trooper will stay with Teresa as he continues to thrive and hit all of his "puppy milestones." If you're interested in potentially adopting this cute little pup, make sure you check back with Noah's Ark for any updates. Noah's Ark is hoping to identify the mystery CPS officer. Laurel Young, Noah's Ark Executive Director, said, "In all the hurry to help the newborn the day he was found, unfortunately no one got the name of the officer who rescued him. We would love the opportunity to know the name of his rescuer to say thank you and recognize their good work at giving Trooper a very good chance at life." Pretty adorable, right? We'd love to hear your thoughts, so sound off in the comments below. And we hope that Trooper finds his forever home soon.

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