Here are some simple tips to get ready for a remote classroom experience. 

With school systems and universities all over the country turning to online classes, it's important to get ready for a whole new way of learning. When you don't have the structure of a traditional school day, it's easy to fall behind. These six tips will set you up for success once you get started with your virtual classroom.

1. Set the stage.

You don't need much more than a table, a comfortable chair, and a set of headphones to get started. Comfort is key, but don't fall into the couch trap. There's nothing worse than getting a sore neck from hunching over a laptop for too long!

Maintain good posture by making sure your screen is at eye level. Prop a laptop up on a stand if you have to, but don't spend too much time peering down at your screen. Be sure to test your connection and make sure you've got the right software loaded to get into your class.

desk, studying

2. Stay focused.

Your workspace should be in a room without a television, gaming system, or anything that is going to tempt you to multi-task. A dining room is usually a good option if you don't have dedicated desk space.

3. Keep to a schedule.

Sure, you can get up a little later, but it's important to stick to a routine. If you get behind, you'll find yourself cramming at the last minute and nobody likes that! Build a little study time into each day after you've attended all of your classes.

studying, books

4. Take breaks.

Get up and get a drink or go to the bathroom every once in a while. You're not running to and from class, but you should still stretch your legs to stay awake.

Try not to mindlessly graze while you're studying. Act as if the kitchen is off-limits until lunch or planned snack times.

stretch, yoga

5. Keep your eye on the prize.

Quizzes and tests won't stop just because you're not at school. If anything, you'll have to be careful not to miss a deadline or important assignment on your own.

Use an online calendar to remind you of what's coming up, and scan each week periodically. Parents, check in with your younger kids every day to make sure they're on track with homework assignments.

6. Don't be shy!

Jot down your questions as they come up, and be sure to take advantage of question-and-answer sessions. It's awkward for the instructors to teach remotely, especially if no one speaks up. Organize virtual study groups! Platforms like Zoom are great for meeting to collaborate online with your classmates.

*The photos in this article are courtesy of Pexels.

Prolonged school closures don't have to be a headache for the whole family. By creating a quiet space for online classes, you can encourage successful distance learning habits in students at any age.

Do you have any tried-and-true tips for succeeding in the virtual classroom? Share them with us in the comments!