How about popping the hood of your car and doing a little preventive maintenance?

This is a great time to take on new projects. What better place to start than your own car? Here are six easy maintenance tasks you can tackle at home.

1. Check your tire tread depth.

Don't be surprised with balding tires. Just use this simple trick: Insert a penny into the tread of your tire. As long as the rubber covers part of Lincoln's head when the penny is upside down, you're fine.

tire, penny

Courtesy of Angie's List

2. Switch out your worn windshield wipers.

It's always good to have a spare pair of windshield wipers around; you never know when you'll need them! A simple search online should tell you what size you need, and you'll save a ton of money by doing it yourself.

windshield wipers

3. Check your air filters.

This is one thing you can absolutely do on your own. Find the locations of your engine air filter and the one in the cabin by consulting your owner's manual. YouTube is also a great resource for this project. Most air filters can be switched out in seconds once you know where they are.

4. Replace worn-out bulbs.

Having a couple of replacement bulbs in your glove box may get you out of a scrape at inspection time. This is a relatively inexpensive part to keep on hand before you need it. 


5. Check your fluids.

Windshield fluid may seem like a little thing, but it's important to keep the reservoir full. You can top it off with water if you don't have any cleaning solution. If you have an older car, it's always a good idea to check your oil from time to time as well. Less efficient engines tend to burn off oil faster than usual.

6. Check your tire pressure.

Keeping your tires properly inflated is a basic task. Find the free air machine closest to you and make sure your tires are where they should be, according to your owner's manual.


*The photos in this article are courtesy of Pexels unless indicated otherwise.

What are some of the things you like to take care of yourself when it comes to car maintenance? Let us know in the comments!