There are plenty of ways to personalize your engagement and make it all kinds of memorable.

Is a proposal in your future? Aside from the details of your actual wedding day, the story behind your engagement will come up time and time again.

1. Stay true to yourself.

First and foremost, think about what's important to you as a couple. If your idea of dressing up is wearing your good hiking boots, then maybe an engagement in the woods would be perfect for you. Don't let the hype of viral proposal videos get you down. 

couple, woods
Photo by José Escobar (via Unsplash)

2. Set the stage.

Even if you don't know a stargazer lily from a dendrobium, there are professionals just waiting to help you pull off a special occasion. Consult your local florist for creative things you can incorporate, talk to the manager at your favorite restaurant, or even consult your partner's best friend.

Once you've decided on a theme and general timeline, start gathering your props. You may be surprised at how many people are willing to help create the perfect atmosphere for you.

3. Mind the bling!

If a ring is involved, make sure you come up with a safe way to keep it out of sight until you're ready. Tucking it away in a pocket does NOT count as safe! Even if the ring is just in the original jewelry box, the recipient will treasure the vessel as much as its contents. 

jewelry box
Photo by Peter Hansen (via Unsplash)

4. Save something.

A flower from the hiking trail can be pressed, the cork from the wine can be swiped from the table. You should keep at least one token of the actual proposal short of pocketing the silverware from a restaurant. You never know what will become a treasured family heirloom.

5. Capture the moment.

Book a professional photographer if your partner is all about social media, or ask a few friends to shoot the happy day from a distance. Either way, don't forget this vital detail.

While you don't have to orchestrate every second, an engagement isn't something to leave to chance. With a little preplanning and some creativity, even a simple engagement story can become a fairy tale. 

Do you have a memory from your engagement that brings you joy with each retelling? Share it with us in the comments.