Moms deserve to be recognized and loved!

Okay, let's start by explaining what a "push present" even is before we dive into our list. A push present is a gift given to a new mother at or following childbirth, and it's a tradition that's increased in popularity over the last 10 years. It's typically given by the new mom's partner or family members.

And we know, the name "push present" may be a bit graphic for some (it's also known as a "baby bauble," if that makes you feel any better!). But, the miracle of birth is one many believe should be recognized with a gift—and we totally agree!

So, with that being said, here are five of the best push presents (for all budgets) you can gift to your partner during this incredibly exciting time in your lives:


Let's kick things off with one of the most popular push presents: jewelry. From rings and necklaces to earrings and bracelets, you can do absolutely no wrong when gifting a new mom jewelry. We're big fans of Pinetree Jewelers, where you can customize the push gift to mama's exact liking. Want to add the baby's birthstone? How about an engraving of the baby's birthdate or initials? Pinetree does it all.

Spa Day

After nine months of pregnancy, followed by who-knows-how-long labor and childbirth, your body goes through, well ... a lot. So why not treat the mama in your life to a much-deserved spa day? A postnatal massage, facial, or full spa package will surely make any new mom feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Find a spa near you using SpaFinder.

Personalized Artwork

We're all about gifting personal push presents, and nothing says personal like artwork. One shop on Etsy offers personalized soundwave artwork of your baby's heartbeat in beautiful watercolors. Or you could turn your newborn's footprints into custom artwork, courtesy of

Flower Subscription Box

This is a push present that keeps on giving. With a monthly subscription to BloosmyBox, you'll be able to remind mom of how special and loved she is by having a fresh bouquet of flowers show up at her door each month. (Start off right by having flowers delivered to her hospital room!)

Coffee Machine

If your baby mama loves coffee, give her the gift of a coffee machine. (Let's be honest, it's a treat for you, too!) When you're a first-time parent, sleep becomes a luxury, so caffeine simply becomes a way of life. Who says push presents can't be practical? Amazon has a wide selection of coffee machines that'll make mom happy!

What other ideas are out there for push presents? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And congratulations to any new parents out there!