Whether you need cooking inspiration or just can't remember why you invited 10 people over to your studio apartment for dinner, these movies will help put things into perspective.

Every year, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas movie season. What about the big holiday you're feverishly preparing for, though? Each holiday should have its own list of must-watch movies, in my opinion, and this is what I like to have in the background this time of year.

What's Cooking (2000)

This drama tells the story of four very different L.A. families as they prepare for Thanksgiving. You have mixed marriages, overly strict Asian parents, Turkey Day tamales, and tons of family strife. There's a 50/50 mix of great movie plot and food movie footage to keep you going as you prep your own big meal. Right now, it's available to rent on Amazon for $2.99.

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PIeces of April (2003)

Yes, that's Katie Holmes. Set in New York, this movie follows a young Katie's attempt at cooking her first Thanksgiving for her dysfunctional family. Her oven's broken, but what else could go wrong? This film was nominated for an Oscar but is not too heavy of a drama. It has a ton of heart-warming scenes that will make you want to go hug your neighbors. You can watch this movie for free if you have an Amazon Prime subscription.

Courtesy of Entertainment Time

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

If you're not snacking on popcorn and toast at some point during Thanksgiving weekend, you probably missed this classic the first time around. As with most Charlie Brown movies, there is always a nice moral to the story and bonus -- this one will keep kids entertained, too. You can buy this movie online for $9.99, or stream it for free on various platforms. It plays on TV the week of Thanksgiving, so set your DVR!

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Free Birds (2013)

By far the most controversial movie on this list, it covers the age-old question of what it means to be free. Voiced by some powerhouse actors, this cartoon will have you in stitches and thinking twice about serving a turkey. You can rent this movie through Amazon for $2.99 right now.

Courtesy of Amazon

Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving movie that inspires you? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch those movies while you cook these make-ahead Thanksgiving dishes! Win-win!