Celebrate the season (and love)!

Fall is on its way! So many people love the cozy autumn aesthetic of warm cider and changing leaves, and I get why. It really is such a beautiful time of year. That also makes it an awesome time to get married. I'm actually in a wedding this fall as a bridesmaid, and I'm really excited. Because the new season is approaching, I thought it would be fun to talk about some theme ideas for autumn weddings. Let's take a look!


This one is great for all the Halloween fanatics out there, especially the ones who have their costumes planned out and decorations up in August. Adding a spooky touch to your wedding really amps up the fall vibes. And although it's been done before, it's definitely not the most common wedding theme. Add jack-o'-lanterns, skeletons, cobwebs, or whatever decor you desire! You can make the theme as subtle or as excessive as you like, depending on your personal aesthetic. You can even get really crazy with it and have guests come in costumes or hold your wedding on Halloween night!


You may be wondering how to create a wedding theme around a beverage, but it is possible! Corks and barrels can make really cool decorations and dark reds and purples for the color scheme really fit the fall season. You can even incorporate a wine-blending ritual into your ceremony. Don't forget the cheese! I think making a tiered cake out of different cheeses and using it as a wedding cake would be really fun for this theme. I'm a big wine and cheese fan, so this idea has a lot of appeal to me. Whether you host the wedding at an actual vineyard or somewhere else, a wine theme is perfect for a fall wedding.


If you're more of a beer fanatic, this could be for you! Did you know the first Oktoberfest was actually a celebration of the marriage between the crown prince Ludwig and Therese Charlotte Luise Friederike Amalie von Sachsen-Hildburghausen? Have your guests break out their dirndls and lederhosen and rock out to some polka music. Everyone will love washing down pretzels and käsespätzle with steins of German beer! This wedding theme is sure to be tons of fun.


We already talked about a Halloween-themed wedding, but what about the other big fall holiday? Though often overshadowed by Christmas, Thanksgiving is a huge celebration for many. Celebrate how thankful you are for your spouse and all your friends and family by making your wedding Thanksgiving-themed! Maybe even swap out a traditional wedding cake for a tiered pumpkin pie. 

There are so many things you can do with a fall wedding! Whether you choose a specific theme or just want to have autumnal decor, it's a beautiful time of year for a wedding.