It's all well and good to save up for retirement, but what are you going to actually do when you finally stop working? Here are three inspiring lifestyles that may give you some ideas.

For many of us, saving for retirement is just something we do automatically. Not much thought goes into what will happen once you stop going to the office and all of a sudden, another chapter of life starts. Ready or not, you're in for another bunch of years of doing ... well, nothing! Avoid a humdrum life and start thinking about what you want to do after you clock out for the very last time. Here's some inspiration for you!

The Llano Exit Strategy

Four couples, all friends for over two decades, went in and bought a piece of land on the Llano River in Texas. There, they built four tiny houses and a communal area where they could all eventually live together in a relaxed, environmentally-conscious way. On paper, they've got everything they need to lead their best outdoorsy lives.

The best part of all is that you can try it out, too. This unique project, also known as Bestie Row, is available to rent for family gatherings, corporate retreats, or just a quick getaway to see the Texas wildflowers! So, while they're wrapping thing up in preparation for retirement, their exit strategy is already paying for itself. Genius!

tiny house

Llano exit strategy

Courtesy of Airbnb

Sail Away

For writer Ronna Benjamin, retirement happens out on the open seas. She and her husband traded in their family home for a sailboat back in 2010 and have been living the nomad life ever since. They live on their sailboat and spend their time sailing from port to port, stopping to visit friends and family.

You can read more about Ronna's adventures on the sea and follow along in her travels on her blog

 Ronna Benjamin

Courtesy of Ronna Benjamin's Facebook

Unretirement on a Farm

After decades of working as a chemist, David Massey decided to "unretire." He turned back to the earth to organically farm his seven acres and hasn't looked back since. This small operation, Northwoods Organic Produce, yields prized squash, heirloom tomatoes, berries, and herbs that local restaurants covet. 

Could you see yourself growing specialty produce on your own land in the country?

Dave Massey


Courtesy of Northwoods Organic Produce

Whether it's life on the seas that's calling you, living off the grid, or working the land, retirement can take many different forms. Beyond not going to work anymore, have you thought about how you're going to spend your time? Tell us your plans in the comments!