We're way beyond glitchy backgrounds, folks.

Now that Zoom has become a mainstream tool for teleworking, school, and even family happy hours, more pet peeves are starting to emerge. From awkward exits to vocal kids, here are 10 of the most annoying things you can do on a Zoom.

1. When in doubt, just stay muted. Some things can't be unheard, trust me.

2. As tempting as it is, don't multi-task unless you've turned off your video feed ... especially if the second task involves getting naked!

3. If you're going to mix and match, make sure you don't stand up.

4. Not everyone is cut out for Zoom. If they just can't figure it out, pick up the phone.

5. Make a graceful exit.

6. Kids, pets, and Zoom do not mix well. Keep the door shut!

7. Practice doing a screen share BEFORE you have to do it.

8. Finding a lull in the conversation can be as difficult as a fast round of Double Dutch. If you have a point to make, try using the chat function.

9. Make sure your better half knows when you'll be zooming.

10. Last, but not least, tidy up your background before connecting!

Did we miss any of your biggest pet peeves about what you're seeing during Zoom meetings? Share them with us in the comments!