Now that the Christmas holiday is over and we start to usher in a New Year, I have yet another important but controversial question: when is it too late to put away your Christmas tree?

Personally, I try to put it off as long as humanly possible, simply because it just reminds me that the holiday season is now over, and I've got to move on with my life. Plus, I'm just flat-out lazy.

So, again, I ask: when is it too late to put away your Christmas tree (and other decorations)?

Answer: it's entirely up to you.

when is it too late to put away christmas tree

I know, I know. You clicked on this article hoping to have one end-all, be-all answer. For that, I apologize.

BUT, before you get too upset with me, let's look at when tradition dictates we should put away our Christmas trees, and then you can decide on your own based on the following information—after all, it's your Christmas tree!

Many Christians mark the end of the Christmas season on the Twelfth Night (or 12 nights after Christmas), also known as the Eve of the Epiphany. This would make it January 5 or January 6—really, it depends on whether you count the first day as Christmas or not—as the day to take down your tree and other Christmas decor. This is a tradition that has taken place since the fourth century.

However, I know of some families who keep their Christmas trees up all year long; the decorations just change to fit the time of year!

When I was growing up, my family usually left up the Christmas decorations until about the first week of January (which falls right in line with tradition, apparently!). However, as an adult, I try to put it off until about mid-January.

Keep your tree up until the day after Christmas; follow tradition and take it down around January 5 or 6; or ignore all of that and take it down whenever you want. You do you, boo.