Prepare to celebrate Memorial Day in style with these party tips to make your gathering fun and easy.

Memorial Day is a holiday when our country stops and takes a pause to remember the brave men and women who died serving our country. Americans will gather together for backyard barbecues, parades and visit the graves of loved ones. Here is a list of creative ways to celebrate and reflect on this traditional American holiday.

Hot Dog Bar

Hot dogs are a staple of any backyard Memorial Day party. But the typical condiments like ketchup, mustard, and relish can be boring. Jazz up those dogs at your party by offering your guests a buffet of tasty toppings like bacon, blue cheese, salsas, and Maryland’s signature  Chesapeake Bay crab dip. Print out festive labels so guests will know what the toppings are and make sure to decorate the table with patriotic garb. You can also invite guests to bring their own favorite topping to share.

Homemade Ice Pops

Homemade popsicles are the perfect way to cool off on a hot day. Skip the artificial colors and flavors by mixing up your own with a combination of fresh fruit, juices, and natural sweeteners. You can even mix up a special boozy batch for the adults!

memorial day
Courtesy of Pexels, Chad Madden

Lawn Games

You’ve got the food and drink, now you need some entertainment. Keep guests busy with a selection of lawn games like cornhole, horseshoes, lawn bowling, croquet, and ring toss. For friends with a competitive streak, organize a mini-field day with traditional events including the potato sack race, egg roll, and tug of war. Finish off the competition with a refreshing water balloon toss.

Flag Placing

Maryland has a lot of tiny cemeteries around the state that serve as the final resting place of soldiers dating back to the Revolutionary War. Organize a group of family and friends to go out and place flags on soldier graves for Memorial Day. Make sure you ask permission from the cemetery or church ahead of placing the flags, and you should also arrange for a time to return and pick them up.