What's your preference? Gas grill? Or charcoal? 

As an avid griller, I have to admit that there are benefits to both charcoal and gas. The finished products, though, are like night and day. 

What type of grill are you using as you brainstorm your next al fresco meal? Are you coaxing a flame onto a pile of charcoal, or are you switching on a gas grill?

Low and Slow the Charcoal Way

You can't hurry a charcoal grill. Even with (shudder) lighter fluid-infused charcoal, you have to wait for them to burn off and get ashy. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a charcoal girl (recently flipped after a cracked gas line in our old grill). 

The taste of food from a charcoal grill has that distinctive smokiness, but getting the temperature right is also very tricky. Hot zones, cool zones, how to fidget with the vents ... It's all a bit overwhelming when you first get started.

In Defense of Gas Grills

There's a quick efficiency about grilling with gas. You light it up and a few minutes later, you're ready to cook. Creating hot and cold spots is as easy as turning a knob. 

Gas-grilled food can still get that smoky flavor with the addition of a wood chip tray, but for the most part, you're missing that charcoal je ne sais quoi factor. Do you think the convenience factor outweighs the hassle of switching propane tanks?