It's not your imagination; sewing machines are getting pretty hard to find right now!

All over the country, people are starting up their sewing machines to make face masks in response to the increased pandemic-fueled buying. Just take a peek at Etsy and you'll find a huge variety of handmade creations with team logos, pretty patterns, and funny sayings on them.

Sewing is quickly becoming one of the nation's trendiest hobbies again, and the supplies for it are getting more difficult to find.

Face mask sellers are reporting sales volume like they've never seen before now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have suggested universal masking when out in public. This has become such a big story that even major news outlets are reporting on it!

Twitter is full of people who were taken by surprise by the sewing machine shortage.

Not to worry—if you really want to make a mask and don't have an electric sewing machine yet, there's always your basic needle and thread. Even though face masks are now much easier to find, this trendy accessory isn't going away any time soon.

What are your thoughts on the Great Sewing Machine Shortage of 2020? Sound off in the comments!