Want an easy way to decorate this spring? How about an Easter tree?

Forget the tinsel and multi-colored lights of Christmas; an Easter tree combines the elements of nature and spring for a pretty pastel display. This DIY project is perfect for little ones who want to forage for blooming branches or paint wooden eggs on a rainy afternoon. 

Easter tree

Courtesy of Pixabay

There are many ways to create the look, but at its base, you start with a vase of branches or a craft store mini tree. Add some Easter-themed ornaments or hand-painted eggs, and you're all set.

Traditional European designs feature feathers among the eggs, so get a few to add a fluffy touch.

For an edgier look, you can dye some speckled eggs in brighter colors or splash paint your own. Throw some spray paint on the branches while you're at it!

If you're in a pinch or don't feel like putting it all together, you can always buy an Easter tree kit online. This one, from Amazon, even has white lights that run on a timer.


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Does your family put up an Easter tree every year? What are some of your favorite ornaments? Let us know in the comments.