Here are some simple techniques to reduce your carbon footprint and keep things out of your local landfill.

This is the perfect time to start going green around your home by minimizing the trash you put out every week.


The next time you cut your lawn, simply leave the grass clippings where they are. You just grasscycled! The practice negates the need for bagging up the grass and it also provides nutrients to the lawn as the clippings break down. 

To do it properly, keep the grass on the short side and trim it when you're cutting no more than a third at a time. That way cuttings won't smother the grass underneath it.



Glass, plastic, cardboard, and paper can all be recycled easily. Just make sure it's clean and sorted properly and don't put it in plastic bags. If you don't have curbside recycling services, find your local recycling center and take your items there on a weekly basis so they don't build up in your kitchen.

Check with your local municipality to find out what they recycle, and where your local drop-off spots are.


Another form of recycling is re-using or up-cycling empty containers to get more life out of them. There's a reason why so many households use a cookie tin for a sewing kit; they're watertight and basically last forever. Empty spaghetti sauce jars make a great option for storing your dry goods like sugar, beans, or rice.


Keep those vegetable scraps next time you're cooking. They can go in a compost heap in your yard, even if you don't have a fancy composting tumbler. Over time, organic waste will break down and make rich soil to amend your garden, so tend to it weekly!


*The photos in this article are courtesy of Pexels.

With a little planning, you can do your part to keep excess waste out of the local landfill. Are you doing any of these things already? Share your tips for going green in the comments.