You don't have to sacrifice your homegrown fruit to the birds and squirrels every year. 

Spring is the gardener's favorite time of year, but quickly gets frustrating when baby fruit starts disappearing from your trees. Here are five easy solutions for keeping your fruit safe.

1. Organza Bags

These inexpensive drawstring pouches can be a lifesaver when it comes to camouflaging your fruit. Squirrels are cunning enough to see right through them, but if you purchase green ones, birds mistake them for leaves from overhead. At about 10 cents each, it's worth a try!

Simply place a bag over immature fruit when it's about an inch long and able to support the cinched drawstring. Don't pull it too tight; you risk the fruit falling off as it grows and the stem continues to develop.

2. Faux Predators

Fake snakes strategically hung in trees can make even the bravest squirrels think twice. If you get some for your yard, be sure to move them every now and then before the critters catch on.

3. Shiny Distractions

Old CDs, tinsel, and even little balls of aluminum foil all make great shiny ornaments that you can easily hang in trees. The bit of shimmering light is just enough to deter small birds.

bird, fruit

Photo by Anders Nord (Unsplash)

4. Noisemakers

Hang a wind chime near your favorite fruit tree to keep smaller birds away. The noise scares them off, believe it or not!

5. Nets

Hands down, this is the biggest eyesore on the list, but garden nets are highly effective. Birds may peck through them, but for the most part, the fruit on the interior of the canopy will remain safe. The use of nets is most important during the last month of ripening, because even squirrels wait until the fruit is sweet before swiping it.

Do you have a foolproof way to keep your backyard fruit safe? Share it with us in the comments!

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