What better way to prepare for winter than to spruce up your bedroom?

Here are some easy ways to upgrade your bedroom without spending a fortune.

Hide the clutter.

Whether you know it or not, that pile of laundry is contributing to your stress. Invest in a simple hamper to streamline your surroundings.


Photo by Sarah Dorweiler

Get cozy.

Nothing says "hibernate here" like a set of flannel sheets. Soft and warm, they're the perfect addition to a cold-weather retreat. The best thing is, they're usually made of brushed cotton and are relatively inexpensive.

flannel sheets

Courtesy of Amazon

Walk this way.

Banish freezing floors with a simple runner by your bed. If you can't quite afford an enormous rug, this is an inexpensive way to make your mornings a little better.

bed, runner

Courtesy of Ballard Designs

Here comes the sun.

Trade in your annoying, old-fashioned alarm clock for a sunrise model. Instead of waking up to a jarring buzz, you can be slowly surrounded by simulated daylight. Most come with programmable nature sounds to gently wake you or lull you to sleep.

Experts agree that even artificial sunlight is good to get you out of the winter doldrums, especially right when you get up.

sunrise clock

Courtesy of Review Geek

Recharge all the things.

With one designated gadget, you can make sure you're all set to go in the morning. No more fumbling for your phones when they have their own bedtime spot.

Breathe a little easier.

It's no secret that winter means dry indoor heating. Combat the harsh effects with a bedside humidifier. Certain houseplants, like Chinese Evergreen, can also thrive in low-to-medium light environments, if you're looking for a natural air purifier.


Courtesy of Wayfair

Browse the stacks.

When was the last time you went to a bookstore? Pick up two or three new volumes and put them front and center on your nightstand. Try unplugging and reading a chapter a night to start. Before you know it, you'll be unwinding with a book on a regular basis.


Photo by Fabiola Penalba

The key to a restful night is designing the perfect haven. Use these simple tricks to create the bedroom of your dreams.

What are some of your favorite gadgets and signature pieces in your bedroom? Share them with us in the comments!