Looking for your next great pumpkin project? Here are some unique ways to carve your squash into something simply spectacular.

*Originally published in 2019:

The best thing about this pumpkin-carving design is that you don't have to do a great job scooping out the interior. 

This design is perfect if you're going for a more zen approach. Bonus: there's very little carving involved!

Kids would love to help with this simple one. 


#halloween #happypumpkin #pumpkin #pumpkincarving

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This slice of paradise would definitely get noticed at a pumpkin-carving contest. Up the ante by making more components out of the pumpkin rind; orange seashells or starfish, maybe?


#pumpkin #pumpkinseason #pumpkincarving

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To some, nothing is as scary as seeing this show up on your dashboard. Whoever came up with this one is a genius!

check engine pumpkin carving
Courtesy of MRKoloski (Twitter)

Finally, when done right, the angler fish is always a creepy sight to behold.

Whatever design you choose, be sure to save the seeds for a delicious snack. Happy carving!

Are you going with cute or scary for your jack o'lantern this year? Let us know in the comments!